She is Associate Professor in Economic Sociology and Employment Relations at the Department of Social and Political Sciences (SPS), University of Milan. Her research interests concentrate on comparative employment relations, with a particular focus on the public sector, care services, and trade union representation strategies in nonstandard segments of labour market (multiple jobholders, independent professionals). She has extensively worked on the impacts on employment relations and working conditions of outsourcing in public services from a comparative perspective.
She has participated in several EU projects funded by the DG Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion, among others: SOWELL (as Project Manager); PROCURFAIR (Promoting Decent Work through Public Procurement in Cleaning and Private Security Service); SWIRL (Slash Workers and Industrial ReLations); NETWIR (Networked Coordination of Industrial Relations); I-WIRE (Independent Workers and Industrial Relations In Europe); AIRMULP (Active Inclusion and Industrial Relations from a Multi-level Governance Perspective). She worked as a correspondent in Italy for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound).
Her recent work was published by the European Journal of Industrial Relations, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, and Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research. She has published her monography Employment Relations in Outsourced Public Services. Working Between Market and State with Palgrave (2020).
Webpage: https://www.unimi.it/it/ugov/person/anna-mori
E-mail: anna.mori@unimi.it