Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS)

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FAOS is a research centre at the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.

FAOS was formed on 1 January 1990 as a research group attached to the Department of Sociology. On 1 January 1999, it was given the status of a research centre. Since its formation, FAOS has focused on studies of the labour market, industrial relations, and, in recent years, employment relations, applying Danish, Nordic, and European perspectives.

FAOS’s aims are:

i) to add to the existing fund of basic knowledge of employment relations, thus extending our understanding of the complex pattern of development currently taking place in Europe’s labour markets. This goal is to be achieved by conducting empirical and theoretical studies in Danish, European, and global perspectives;

ii) to work in close association with related research environments in Denmark and other countries, with a particular focus on participation in joint comparative research projects with an international dimension;

iii) to contribute to the training of Ph.D. students;

iv) to publish research results and to maintain a dialogue with the labour market parties and with the relevant administrative/political institutions.

In compliance with its aims, FAOS forms and joins many international research networks. The centre participates in research projects carried out in cooperation with the labour-market parties.